Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Now this is what winter is supposed to look like

How can one get into the Christmas spirit when it hits 70 during the day? A cold front is coming in and it's barely getting down to freezing tomorrow night. High will be a little below 60. Here's a picture that makes me miss home

That's a picture (courtesy of Steve Ringman of the Seattle Times) of the mountain pass I had to cross each and every time I wanted to visit my parents back in Walla Walla. Seattle got gypped out of snow this week, but Snoqualmie never escapes it. I wouldn't ever attempt crossing after Thanksgiving because I really hate putting chains on. And nothing scared me more than having to pull over to the chain-up area off of I-90 to put them on just before the pass. Images of cars losing control and slamming into me were very vivid in my head. Before I had my own car my dad would pick me up and drive me back. More than once he got stuck on that pass because they had to close it due to snow level--he had to sleep in the car. No siree, not for this girl! But I do miss the snow....

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I've never experienced what most people would call snow, but I don't think I'm missing anything! I love warm weather. I wish I could live in the south forever.