Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pima or Egyptian? Maybe just some nice china!

The big news here in Tucson is how we broke 100-degrees. Whoopty-do....that only means we've got a long summer ahead of us. Where did spring go?

Well, bloggy friends, I feel like I'm teetering on the edge of the blogosphere. I just don't have as much time to keep up with this! So, unfortunately, posts most likely will be few and far between. Priorities really change when you're actually sharing your living space with your spouse! When I get home from work I mainly want to unwind with my husband and get dinner taken care of as soon as possible since the guy is going to bed at 9 every night! I still feel like I don't get much time with him, even though things were about the same before the deployment. It's been 3 months since Jon came back home and I still can't get enough of him! How am I supposed to get myself to the gym after work when he's at home waiting for me? I'm just going to have to do it.

Speaking of gym, my physical therapist is going to try me out running on the treadmill next week. It's been about 3 months since I last run (gulp!) so my aerobic fitness is waaay down. We've been working on my core strength and strengthening the muscles in my legs. The exercises that once caused pain, no longer do or barely do so. I hope I'll be able to run! 

In the meantime, Jon and I have been recovering from a bad cold. This past Tuesday was our 2-year anniversary, hence the title of my post! Can you believe my wonderful husband actually took the initiative and looked up the traditional gift for 2 years? I didn't even think of that! We exchanged gifts the Saturday before our actual anniversary and were supposed to go out for dinner, but ended up eating a huge lunch that day. I got a set of "china." We've been eyeing a set at Crate and Barrel, but have been hesitant about dropping the money for it. So Jon went to the PX and got me a nice white set that I liked, just so we'd have a nice complete set if we ever have company (highly unlikely with our Sammy). He also got me a nice Patagonia dress that I fell in love with when I saw it at our local outdoor supply store.

Isn't it pretty? I never really expected to find a dress at this store. I'm just not into outdoorsy clothes to wear on an everyday basis. This dress has made me rethink this. I think I'll be wearing it at Jon's Change of Command in a couple weeks. 

So, what did I get my husband? I bought a nice organic cotton sheet set and he also got a nice pair of comfy shorts at the same store we got the dress. Nothing too exciting. We'll be going out for dinner this Saturday to celebrate.

OK so another reason I will be making few appearances here is because I've been trying to knit more. Remember my giveaway? I just barely started Sara's Elefante. I've had the yarn for a while now, but I've been wanting to finish one before starting hers, so she doesn't end up with a piece of poo. I finally finished my "test" Elefante after the setback due to my cold. Even before I started it, I had decided that it would go to our niece, Tilly. So I didn't want any cold virus laced into this cuddly little elephant. 

Success! Well, I think so at least! I think Tilly will love it! 

I just have to add here, I wanted a collage of all these shots but didn't know how to do it with no Photoshop on the Mac. I'm so glad that I checked back with Picasa because they now have a Mac (beta) version! I love this version waaaay more than their first one! Like in the previous version, you can make a picture pile collage, but you can now move your pictures around the way you want. In the previous PC version you didn't have much control and it was really frustrating, hence my boring straight collages. 

All right. Off to join my hubby in bed. I love how he hates going to bed without me. I started going to bed with him after going to bed my usual time and he declared after a week that he was "sick of going to bed alone." I let him down tonight to post on my blog, but I just couldn't sleep when I went to bed so early last night....and I really miss watching Jimmy Kimmel! With that, hope everyone has a good night!


Cole said...

The dress is beautiful and the elephant came out GREAT!!

Full of Heart said...

I really like the dress too, it looks like it would fit really nicely as well. I really want a set of basic white dishes, I've been eyeing a set on for awhile now, but I still can't commit!!
Also, the elefante turned out so cute!

jlc said...

Awwww what a sweet hubby!!!

And happy belated 2 year!!!


Nikki said...

Love the dress, and I love your blog. Try not to forget about us too much here in blog land girly!

Oh and season 3 of Army Wives starts on June 7

R3 Method Show said...

Continue to rebuild your strength and discipline for fitness and you will be full swing ahead in no time.

Sara said...

Oohh the elefante looks so cute! Thanks for doing this for me :-)

I hope you'll be able to run comfortably again! I get not posting on the blog much. Ever since Mark came home, I feel less of a need for the community. That's probably a good thing, but I don't want to give up on it entirely. I've been a horrible reader.